Zero Business Value – Enterprise Architecture with Homegrown Tools
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Many enterprise architecture practices start by using homegrown architecture tools such as a trinity comprising Microsoft® Visio®, Excel® and PowerPoint®. The thinking is that once they see some value, the team may graduate to a professional tool.
The role of the Enterprise Architect of today has evolved, which means that using homegrown architecture tools simply won’t suffice.
Join our webinar where Marc Lankhorst, Managing Consultant and Chief Technology Evangelist at Bizzdesign, explains why using homegrown solutions is a recipe for failure if you want to do meaningful architecture work.
Learn why our enterprise architecture platform, Bizzdesign Horizzon, performs better than simple office tools. For example, when you want to do modeling vs. just drawing pictures, analysis vs. looking at pictures, real collaboration vs. mere publication, integration vs. copy-paste, and more.
We’ll give you solid arguments to convince management why your organization needs to invest in a proper solution. Don’t miss out!
Marc Lankhorst,
Managing Consultant and Chief Technology Evangelist at Bizzdesign
Marc is responsible for Bizzdesign’s vision, market development, and consulting and coaching on digital business design and enterprise architecture. He also spreads the word on the Open Group’s ArchiMate® standard for enterprise architecture modeling, of which he has been managing the development. His expertise and interests range from enterprise and IT architecture to Business Process Management and agile methods.
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